Tuesday / Jan 10, 2023
TORONTO, ON – Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment (MLSE) has launched a call to artists to source and acquire art and photography for Scotiabank Arena. In collaboration with Sports & The Arts (SATA), MLSE seeks to design a one-of-a-kind museum quality art collection inside of Scotiabank Arena created by local, regional and national artists, showcasing sport, music, and history that tells the story of the rich diversity of Canada.
Artists and muralists of all levels and experience and from all backgrounds and cultures interested, may submit an application package (details listed below) for review. Selected artists will be directly notified and commissioned for specific works commencing this winter of 2023. All artists will be paid for their work in addition to promotional activities and events to be determined.
- Paintings (oils, acrylic, watercolor and mixed media)
- Sketches/Drawings (pen and ink, charcoal and pastels)
- Mixed Media (found objects, digital, assemblage and collage)
- Sculptures
- Murals
- Digital Art/Graphic Arts
- Photography
- January 10, 2023 – Artist Submissions Open
- February 5, 2023 – Deadline for Submissions
- Artists to be contacted upon further interest for selection
- Visit www.ScotiabankArena.com/CallForArtists and complete online application form no later than February 5, 2023.
- Application should include:
- A shrt biography
- Sample images of artistic pieces indicative of the style of work
- Any other relevant information you wish to share
- Submission attachments listed above must be in PDF format and must be no larger than 5MB.
- Submissions must contain no more than 8 (eight) visual samples of past pieces.
Questions or request for assistance in the application process can be directed to Sports & The Arts (SATA) directly at info@sportart.net.
We welcome all artists to apply and strongly encourage local participation within the Greater Toronto Area, regional within Ontario or national within Canada that have a passion for sports and music to take part in this program.
Thank you.